V.C. Andrews Wiki
Ormand Longchamp
Biographical Information
Birth Name: Ormand Longchamp
Status: Alive
Occupation: Nomad
Physical Description
Eye Color:
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Family Information
Marital Status:
Relatives: Unnamed Parents
Jimmy Longchamp (Son, deceased)
Fern Longchamp (Daughter)
Gavin Longchamp (Son)
Dawn Longchamp (Adopted Daughter, deceased)
Jefferson Longchamp (Grandson)
Christie Longchamp (Adopted Granddaughter)
Sally Jean Longchamp (Wife, deceased)
Edwina Longchamp (2nd wife, current)
Portrayed By: Jesse Metcalfe
Appearances: Dawn, Secrets of the Morning (Mentioned only), Twilight's Child and Midnight Whispers.

Ormand Longchamp, is the father of Jimmy and Fern Longchamp and the the adoptive father/father-in-law of Dawn Longchamp, he is also the windower of Sally Jean Longchamp and the current husband of Edwina Longchamp. Years ago in the 1970's while working with his late wife Sally Jean, at the Cutler's Cove Hotel, Ormand got caught up in a wicked kidnapping scheme set up by Lillian Cutler in an effort to cut out her granddaughter/ Step daughter from the family tree. Lillian somehow convinced Ormand and his wife to take the child Dawn was she was born and covered Ormand's escape.

Years later, when returning to Richmond, Virgina with Sally Jean, James and his adopted daughter Dawn, Sally Jean got ill and was taken to a nearby hospital which made Ormand nervous. At the hospital, a security guard recognized Ormand's face and reported him to the authorities shortly after Sally Jean's death from consumption, Ormand was arrested, James, Dawn was reunited with the heartless Cutler family while both James and Fern were placed into foster homes by CPS. After Ormand got of jail he skipped town, set up a new life and later married Edwina, whom he had Gavin with.

In Twilight's Child Ormand and his wife Edwina were reluctant to return to Cutler's cove but later returned after Lillian Cutler's death and warm invitation by his new daughter-in-law/ adopted daughter Dawn. Ormand was reintroduced to his daughter Fern and son James, at first their meeting was awkward but then turned to acceptance.
